Charity Status
AFC Barwell are a registered Charity.
Its charitable objectives are :-
The promotion of community participation in healthy recreation for the inhabitants of Barwell and the surrounds by the provision of facilities for Association Football.
Further information about our registered charity status along with details of AFC Barwell Charity Trustees can be obtained by visiting the web site of the charity commission and searching for AFC Barwell. Our charity number is 1158404
Why Registered Charity Status ?
If an organisations annual income is above £5000 then it can apply to become a registered charity. Becoming a registered charity will make it easier for
AFC Barwell to :-
Raise money from the public, grant making trusts and local government
Represent and help the needs of the local community
Give Donors and Sponsors, as well as new members, confidence that our organisation is legitimate and working within a structured, regulatory regime.
If you have any questions about our status as a registered charity please get in touch by contacting us here.
AFC Barwell is registered as a CASC or COMMUNITY AMATEUR SPORTS CLUB and subscription payments are structured in such a way that the club can claim Gift aid. Information about Gift aid and CASC status can be found by visiting the web pages of HMRC here